The heart does not always follow tradition (or even logic for that matter), instead, the heart simply wants what it wants. In this story, we have a young woman who is arranged to marry someone to whom her heart does not want. Take a read, and tell me what you think. True Love By Matthew […]

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The analogy of the bible with Adam and Eve helps us to develope a solid sense of purpose. In the same way, this short poem explains to young minds (that cannot understand such things as evolution) how things came to be. The Chicken or the Egg? By Matthew Mansfield I see a chicken a top […]

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My little boys ask awesome questions and so it leads to fun answers. Especially when they were young they would quickly lose interest I would try to write down their question and make a fun poem to answer it. This way when the question is asked again I’ll have turned the answer into a fun […]

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This one is one of my less popular works, and possibly one of the more controversial. So many people have a firm opinon about this topic, but I thought I would share my belief here, and also explain (briefly) as to why. Enjoy. Pro Life or Pro Choice By Matthew Mansfield Pro life or pro […]

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Okay, not everything has to be a book, right? I have small things to share, and that is mostly because the younger your little one is, the less attention span they have. This poem is for the smallest of attention spans. Pete’s Feet By Matthew Mansfield Hello, my name’s Pete. I have two feet. Aren’t […]

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